
We could not find this Daion branded mandolin is any period literature. We’re not sure if it’s Japanese, Korean or when it was built. It’s a bit of a mystery - we’ve never seen another example! We can not find any model markings, labels, or serial number.

In the 1984 Daion catalog there are mandolins by Brazos, but they are not a match. Our best guess at this point (since Yamaki made products in the late 1970s and early 1980s for both Washburn and Daion) is that this mandolin may be a rebrand of the Washburn M-5. The fretboard inlays, fern inlay on the headstock, and metal tailpiece seem to be a match. Daion was also the Washburn distributor in Japan, as this price list shows (last page has mandolins).

If you have any information on this instrument please email us at


F-Style Tobacco Sunburst

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